For many years, folks asked me: “Don’t you have a company logo?” And we really didn’t, as I just never took the time to come up with one…we just had “Earth Tools” written out in a blocky font, and that passed for a logo.
Finally, though, I decided to put some effort into it, and I hired my sister-in-law Trina Peiffer (my wife’s twin sister) to make a line drawing of the Earth Tools sign we have here at the shop. This sign is made out of a 4-foot length of Eastern Red Cedar log; the letters are carved with a chain saw.
I made this sign about 15 years ago (below is a photo). I figured this was a logo with some “meaning”…not just some arbitrary design. Hope you like it!
--Joel, Earth Tools owner
TRY 502-484-5550 or 0704
PLEASE NOTE that we get VERY busy in the late Winter & Spring, and assembling/shipping wait times increase, just because of the "log-jam" of Tractor / Implement orders coming in all at once at "the last minute". So -- DON'T wait until the "last minute" to order! If you want equipment for this upcoming growing season, ORDER EARLY! Keep in mind that we ship orders on a "first-paid, first-shipped" basis...we do NOT offer "expidited" assembling/shipping of tractor & implement orders for an extra charge. We appreciate your business and your patience, and we work as hard as we can to get orders out as fast as possible, WITHOUT cutting corners on the proper equipment setup, prep & checkout that we are famous for.
bcs tillers, bcs sickle bars,
bcs lawn mowers, bcs snowblowers,
bcs brush mowers, bcs sweepers,
bcs chipper / shredder bcs attachments & bcs accessories
rotary plows, mini hay balers,
hay rakes, spaders, cultivators,
flail mowers, seeder,
potato digger plow, utility trailers
& more!
We are now offering a “regional” delivery service for tractor & implement orders within a 400-road-mile radius of our location in Owenton KY. Earth Tools’ owner’s Father-in-law (Charles) will be doing the deliveries. Charges for this service will be a bit more than for shipping by truck freight (call for a quote to your specific location), but delivery will be with a pickup truck (and trailer, if needed) that can get to most any location – unlike a semi-truck. Also, scheduling of the delivery will be more flexible, to better meet your needs. More “perks” of this service are that the equipment will be FULLY assembled, and Charlie will show you basic operation of the tractor. Minimum merchandise order for this service: $6500. Call for a delivery quote!
Beginning in late 2017, the BCS factory started a new “paint scheme” for their tractors and implements: The tractors are just painted BLACK, and the BCS-branded implements are painted SILVER. (and in 2023, the tractor bodies started coming through UNPAINTED...just bare aluminum) So, on the tractors, the only "blue" parts are now the plastic “beauty” shrouds for the handlebars.
Because the BCS factory in Italy produces 3 brands of walk-behind tractors on the same assembly line: BCS, Ferrari, and Pasquali (BCS purchased these other 2 companies in the 1990s…and no, this is NOT the automotive “Ferrari!”) . Historically, they had different paint-lines for each tractor and implement line (Blue for BCS, Green for Ferrari, and Yellow for Pasquali)…but sometime in 2017, they decided to optimize efficiency by painting all the tractors and implements “neutral” colors and just letting the plastic shrouds and decals delineate what brand tractor it would be. Hence, "non-blue" BCS tractors started appearing in the USA in early 2018. (We have told BCS that we think this is a bad idea...the "blue" was a color most people associated with BCS, and now, if the plastic "beauty shrouds are discarded or lost, there is no color for "brand recognition", and that would hurt them more in the long run than the few bucks a tractor they're saving by not having separate paint lines in their factory. We'll see if they ever bring the "Blue" back...)
Flail Mowers
Flail mowers are the most popular tool to mow cover crops when a quick assimilation into the soil is desired. For complete information on Flail Mowers, visit the Flail Mower page in our Mowing section.
1525 Kays Branch Road
Owenton, KY 40359
(502) 484-3988 tel.
(502) 237-1026 fax.
Annual Winter vacation: in 2025, closed from Wednesday Dec 24th until the first Business Day of New Year (in 2026, re-opening Friday Jan 2nd).
Also closed Martin Luther King day (Jan 20th), Memorial Day (May 26th), USA Independence Day (July 4th), Labor Day (Sept 1st) and the Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving (Nov 27 & 28).
If you’d like to visit our shop, we have plenty of land to demonstrate our walk-behind tractors with any implement. But if you’re coming to visit, CALL AHEAD at least one day in advance! Retail business hours are by appointment (yes, weekends, too), so the more notice you give us the better we can set our schedule to fit your schedule. We are occasionally out of the shop doing deliveries, demonstrations or displaying equipment at trade shows.